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According to research, 90% of suicide is related to mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorder and more. Suicide is the third most common death among people between ages 15 to 25. One in five people will suffer in these disorders. 

Anyone can help prevent this kind of situation to happen. We just need to be aware and learn to be concern. Everyone might encounter people with these illnesses but we wouldn't notice, because sadly people don't care and that's the problem with people nowadays, we only care when it's too late. We should know that early intervention is essential because we might be able to save someone's life. 
Various mental illnesses are linked to depression. Many people who're dealing with depression don't necessarily say that they will commit suicide or harm themselves but what we don't know is that they have already thought about it. Suicidal does not only mean harming oneself but also having a thought about it.
Helping can be in any way. If you notice someone who's suffering from depression, you shouldn't ignore it just because you think you can't do anything to help that person. In fact, just simply talking and always checking up on them will be a great help because they will know that somebody still cares about them. A lot of people who commit suicide, they just didn’t have somebody to talk to because they feel like they don't have anybody. Furthermore, giving words of encouragement and inspirational advises would be helpful too. 

We interviewed a teacher, Ms. Malec, who has been teaching Health for five years and also an AP Biology teacher at Eagle Rock High School. According to her most teenagers who suffer from mental illness are interconnected with what they experience in school. A lot of it has to do with their social well-being such as the feeling of not fitting in and feeling different. When this happens, it can lead to social anxiety and depression which will have an enormous impact on their daily life. It will deterrent them from doing things that they usually do and will lose interest from things that they like. 
If you are one of these teenagers or you know someone who's dealing with this, you should always remember that there's nothing wrong with being different, soon you will realize that being different is not a big deal. You should learn to accept and acknowledge yourself for who you are and in that way, people will also appreciate you. Keep in mind that there's no permanent in this world, it will never stay the way it is and things will get better.
If you are dealing with mental illness that was mentioned, don't hesitate to tell it to a trusted person such as parents/family member, teacher or school's psychologist, or even a friend that you know that will understand your situation. Seek help and help yourself. You are not alone in this world, there are people who are willing to listen and understand you because they have been in the same situation and you can do the same too! 



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